Amber Developers Archive Aug 2010 by subject
- [AMBER-Developers] AMBER11: CX atom type (in ff10) translated differently in tleap PDB output
- [AMBER-Developers] AUTO: Ruzhu Chen/Poughkeepsie/IBM is out of the office until 8/20/2010. (returning 08/20/2010)
- [AMBER-Developers] beta of pmemd.cuda.MPI available in git tree
- [AMBER-Developers] bug fix protocol
- [AMBER-Developers] configure and makefile questions
- [AMBER-Developers] dacdif
- [AMBER-Developers] exe to bin
- [AMBER-Developers] first parallel benchmarks (jac) for GPU, S1070 box
- [AMBER-Developers] git branches and boost
- [AMBER-Developers] Is PGI + mpi built statically by default?
- [AMBER-Developers] iwrap in sander
- [AMBER-Developers] mme and mme2 energies are different
- [AMBER-Developers] ndvptx() and type mismatch
- [AMBER-Developers] PGI compilers
- [AMBER-Developers] pretty severe bug in Amber11 pmemd Makefile?
- [AMBER-Developers] Problems with deviceQuery and C1060 cards -- solved
- Last message date: Tue Aug 31 2010 - 09:30:04 PDT
- Archived on: Wed Mar 12 2025 - 05:02:35 PDT