Hi Scott,
On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 22:12 -0400, Scott Brozell wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 09:55:53AM -0400, Ben Roberts wrote: > > I've
> stumbled across three different versions of dacdif. Those in test and
> AmberTools/test are the same as each other, and, it turns out, a sed
> command is sensitive to line endings.
> What exactly is the issue with sed ?
In the process of changing paths from using exe to using bin in my
sandbox, I edited dacdif (which contained such a path, albeit in a
comment) using a Mac GUI text editor. One of dacdif's sed patterns
replaces whatever newline is indicated by ^M - I think a carriage return
- with an empty string. But the ^M got automatically turned into a line
feed for me, and then when using dacdif (as when running the tests) I
would get nice little messages about how the a pattern isn't complete.
In my own sandbox, I rolled it back. But in the course of my fixing all
copies of dacdif, I ran into the fact that there were three independent
copies of it. Hence this email.
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Received on Thu Aug 19 2010 - 19:30:04 PDT