On Mon, Aug 23, 2010, Ross Walker wrote:
> init 5
No change in behavior.
> http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/3_1/sdk/gpucomputingsdk_3.1_linux.run
Can you tell me which drivers you are using? The SDK above says to use
version 195.x, but I have version 256.44 (which is the latest at the nvidia
web site). Is there a difference between a "Linux display driver" and a
"Linux x86_64 display driver".?
I ask because the SDK deviceQuery command returns this:
./deviceQuery Starting...
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
cudaGetDeviceCount FAILED CUDA Driver and Runtime version may be mismatched.
> You might also be able to do 'insmod nvidia' if 'lsmod' does not show it
> loaded.
"lsmod" doesn't show anything related to nvidia. But I don't understand
linux modules, so I don't know how to use insmod: "/sbin/insmod nvidia"
just returns "nvidia: no such file or directory".
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Received on Mon Aug 23 2010 - 13:00:03 PDT