On Aug 24, 2010, at 12:25 AM, case wrote:
>> modprobe nvidia
> returns nothing.
This is what loaded the module.
>> Rerun the nvidia_driver.run script
> This seems fine...it says it is creating a kernel module; lsmod reports this:
> [case.casegroup1]/sbin% ./lsmod | grep nv
> nvidia 11113664 0
> i2c_core 56641 3 nvidia,i2c_ec,i2c_i801
Here you see the loaded module
>> ....and make sure that you have the kernel-sources of you
>> kernel installed.
> ??? don't understand how one does this.
The run skript often breaks because of this, but in your case it looks good.
>> The last thing I can imagine is that the card is not working.
>> If you have the module loaded, show what is in /dev
> [case.casegroup1]/sbin% ls -l /dev/ | grep nv
> crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 144 Aug 6 14:56 nvram
Can you run deviceQuery as root?
If yes, then
chmod o+r nvram
> Of course, I don't know if my module is "loaded" or not...
It is loaded, as lsmod shows us.
I do not think you need to reboot. It looks good.
init 3
init 5
really everything software wise should be ok.
All the best
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 23 2010 - 16:00:04 PDT