Thanks Wei.
By the way, do you or anyone else have views on the best way to exchange changes without necessarily committing them to the master branch? I've just uploaded boost-1.38.0 to my local branch, but don't know whether it's best to use the master branch on gitosis as a general-purpose sandbox for new features...
On 19/8/2010, at 10:37 a.m., Wei Zhang wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Yes, your are right. The one in sleap just got an older version. In principal, test/sleap should not have a dacdif itself,
> it should just use the one in AmberTools/test. I will make this change soon.
> Sincerely,
> Wei
> On Aug 19, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Ben Roberts wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've stumbled across three different versions of dacdif. Those in test and AmberTools/test are the same as each other, and, it turns out, a sed command is sensitive to line endings. The one in AmberTools/test/sleap is different. Is that intentional, or did sleap just get an older version?
>> Cheers,
>> Ben
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Received on Thu Aug 19 2010 - 08:00:06 PDT