> > By the way, do you or anyone else have views on the best way to
> exchange
> > changes without necessarily committing them to the master branch?
> I've
> > just uploaded boost-1.38.0 to my local branch, but don't know whether
> > it's best to use the master branch on gitosis as a general-purpose
> > sandbox for new features...
1 tip, Do not use Boost!!! It is a multi gigabyte pile of, errrr...
'boost'!!! ;-)
All the best
|\oss Walker
| Assistant Research Professor |
| San Diego Supercomputer Center |
| Adjunct Assistant Professor |
| Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
| University of California San Diego |
http://www.rosswalker.co.uk |
http://www.wmd-lab.org/ |
| Tel: +1 858 822 0854 | EMail:- ross.rosswalker.co.uk |
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Received on Thu Aug 19 2010 - 10:00:04 PDT