Re: amber-developers: sander cvs build broken!

From: Gustavo Seabra <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 00:39:08 -0400

On 10/11/06, David A. Case <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2006, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
> > I just checked out a clean copy of amber, and compilatin fails due to
> > F95 compatibility problems. I attach here the compilation output and
> > my config.h file. Although this is a mpi compilation, I get the same
> > errors with serial.
> >
> Seems like these errors are pretty easy to correct -- please just do so.

I needed sander running asap, so I went ahead and followed Dave's
suggestion. Apart from the sander/schlegel_dg.f file which was
corrected by Kim Wong, there were similar errors in a number of other
files inside sander and dcqtp, which were stopping compilation. I
corrected those old '$' suppress-newline formats in those files. (I
hope the official maintainers won't mind...). The new files are on the
tree now, and compile well (at least for me.)

For those interested, the changes I did were, in ALL cases, to replace
the '$' in a write statement by a ADVANCE='NO' :

write (6,'(<<FORMAT>>,$)') ==> write (6,'(<<FORMAT>>)', ADVANCE='NO')

Judging by the 'warnings' the compiler gives, there are a number of
syntaxes that have disappeared in F95 that are still present. I have
no idea why the compiler chose just this one as fatal.

P.S.: The reason I went to get a new tree was that, before, I was only
'updating' my local copy, and at some point some calculations started
to segfault with no apparent reason. It turned out to be one of those
files being compiled with the old config.h: It compiled, but segfaults
unpredictably. (My point here is that, even if the compiler didn't
pick, we may get strange segfaults if we've been just updating for a
while, as I was.)
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 20:36:09 PDT
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