On Wed, Oct 11, 2006, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
> I just checked out a clean copy of amber, and compilatin fails due to
> F95 compatibility problems. I attach here the compilation output and
> my config.h file. Although this is a mpi compilation, I get the same
> errors with serial.
Seems like these errors are pretty easy to correct -- please just do so.
At revision 9.10 on 10/05, Scott Brozell added "-std95" to the ifort options.
My guess is that many people have not reconfigured, so that they are still
thinking everything is OK with their code because they don't yet have this
flag in their config.h file.
So: everyone please reconfigure!
I'm not sure how to enforce this in general: not all changes to configure
would require it. But mail or something should probably be sent when there
are significant changes to widely-used options (as here) so that we don't hit
these bugs.
On another note: Wei is planning some major updates to sander regarding PIMD,
CMD, etc. this weekend. That will probably mean some things may break early
next week. But once we get past that, Kim can start looking at how EVB fits
into the new scheme.
(Later this month, I will probably declare a brief moratorium on CVS updates,
and ask people to try out the existing codes on as many compilers as
possible. That should get us back to a more stable code base. But I don't
want to do this until the new PIMD stuff is committed.)
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 20:36:08 PDT