On Wed, Apr 02, 2014, Josh Berryman wrote:
> If its any help to anyone, I got tired of the configure2 logic around using
> intel compilers a long time ago, and currently deal with the problem by
> running a script like this before I ./configure -mpi intel:
> export I_MPI_CXX=icc
> export I_MPI_FC=ifort
> export I_MPI_CC=icc
> export I_MPI_F90=ifort
Wow. If this works, it seems like we should just tell people to do this,
instead of continuing to tweak configure2.
Thanks also for the info about recent updates to openMPI. As of 3/31/14, the
current "stable" release is 1.8.
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Received on Wed Apr 02 2014 - 06:00:03 PDT