Re: [AMBER-Developers] Intel MPI in configure?

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 08:51:36 -0700

Hi Dave,

The problem is that with Intel MPI mpif90 and mpicc point to gfortran and
gcc while mpiifort and mpiicc point to ifort and icc. VERY annoying!!! -
But it means relying on mpif90 and mpicc here doesn't work. That's why the
check is in there. I'd have assumed though that Perri would have checked
this on a machine that didn't have the intel MPI but did have the Intel
compilers. Perri can you fix this today please.

All the best

On 4/1/14, 8:45 AM, "David A Case" <> wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 01, 2014, Daniel Roe wrote:
>> This check can be fixed, but the larger issue I think is configure
>> shouldn't assume intel MPI will be used with Intel compilers. Instead, I
>> think this should be a separate flag like '-intelmpi' that users can
>> specify if they want mpiifort etc used instead of mpif90. Thoughts?
>For the -mpi flag, we have always said that it is up to the user to
>make sure that the mpicc and mpif90 commands found in the PATH are the
>they really want. We don't try to distinguish (or care) whethere the
>user is
>using openmpi, or mpich, or mvapich, or some hardware-specific version.
>Why should we not do the same for Intel's mpi? That is, it is up to the
>to make mpicc point to mpiicc, and mpif90 to point to mpiifort. We can
>some hand-holding instructions, but it seems like we are going down a
>long path to try to support every MPI version's command names that might
>This is a pretty tentative recommendation, but it is a simple one!
>AMBER-Developers mailing list

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Received on Tue Apr 01 2014 - 09:00:05 PDT
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