On Tue, Apr 01, 2014, Daniel Roe wrote:
> This check can be fixed, but the larger issue I think is configure
> shouldn't assume intel MPI will be used with Intel compilers. Instead, I
> think this should be a separate flag like '-intelmpi' that users can
> specify if they want mpiifort etc used instead of mpif90. Thoughts?
For the -mpi flag, we have always said that it is up to the user to
make sure that the mpicc and mpif90 commands found in the PATH are the ones
they really want. We don't try to distinguish (or care) whethere the user is
using openmpi, or mpich, or mvapich, or some hardware-specific version.
Why should we not do the same for Intel's mpi? That is, it is up to the user
to make mpicc point to mpiicc, and mpif90 to point to mpiifort. We can give
some hand-holding instructions, but it seems like we are going down a long,
long path to try to support every MPI version's command names that might come
This is a pretty tentative recommendation, but it is a simple one!
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 01 2014 - 09:00:04 PDT