[AMBER-Developers] Write access to git.ambermd.org

From: David A Case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:00:59 -0500

Write access in "on" again to the git repo at git.ambermd.org. Please obey
the following guidelines:

1. Only make bugfix or key commits to the master branch. (We will relax
this restriction in about two weeks.)

2. Keep commits to master small and localized, so that we can revert things
if needed.

3. Please *do* proofread and update the documentation, in Amber.lyx and
amber.bib (both in the "doc" subdirectory). We are treating Amber.lyx as
a single large file, so keep your changes localized and commit often, to
minimize the danger of overlapping edits. Please just do local edits: if
you think the order of chapters should be changed, or similar large-scale
edits should be made, send email to me.

4. Please do *not* commit the Amber.pdf file that comes from Amber.lyx:
git is not good at tracking what are essentially binary files, and the
repository would become much too big if we tracked such files. If you
want to see what the pdf file looks like, go here:


I'll keep that updated periodically. We will decide later if and how to split
this "full" manual into smaller pieces.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 25 2014 - 18:30:02 PST
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