Re: [AMBER-Developers] Builds of AMBER 12 with gcc 4.1.2 failing

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 17:57:28 -0700

Hi Tyler,

> I had explicitly tested this before it seems something has changed.
> To be clear, are you building from the Git repo or from the tar ball?

This is from the git repo - (git clone as
of this morning.
> configure should have died with an error message and explicit
> instructions on how to configure without RISM. From your message it
> sounds like this is not happening. Can you confirm that there is no
> error message?

Configure doesn't die anymore. It prints the following message:

./configure gnu

Obtaining the gnu suite version:
      gcc -v
The version is 4.1.2
Skipping the parts of AmberTools that depend on fftw3

and sets $RISM = no

> If you have not done so, can you try
> ./configure -norism gnu
> If that still doesn't work, please let me know. Either way, I should
> have a fix out for tomorrow morning if it can wait that long.

This doesn't work either unfortunately as it does exactly the same as the
configure script is doing automatically when it detects gcc 4.1.2. I.e.
setting $RISM=no.

The problem is that libsff has a dependency on rism:


OBJS = binpos.o conjgrad.o lmodC.o memutil.o nblist.o newton.o nmode.o \
        prm.o rand2.o sasad.o sff.o time.o xminC.o AmberNetcdf.o \

.PHONY: amber_rism_interface.NAB.o
                cd ../rism && \
                $(MAKE) amber_rism_interface.NAB.o && \
                cp -f amber_rism_interface.NAB.o ../sff/. ; \

Which builds rism even if -norism ($RISM=no) is set in the config.h file.

All the best

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 16 2012 - 18:00:03 PDT
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