On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 04:03:52PM -0400, David A Case wrote:
> For example, in spite of Mengjuei's bad-mouthing of mac ports, I've never had
> problems there. For me, with Mac OS 10.6.6, I use mac ports gcc44 (i.e.
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-4.4) and corresponding gfortran. I've never seen any
> problems, and downloading/installing them was supersimple, so I'd be tended to
> recommend that path.
Wait a minute, I never "bad-mouth" macports before, were you wire-taping
me sleep talking? I myself currently maintain two ports and retired
extra two ports in the past. I should be known as a macports guy, not
BMing macports, right? :-)
Here are my latest results:
platform result
10.6.7 / macport gcc45 (4.5.2_0) 498/498 passed
10.5.9 / macport gcc45 (4.5.2_0) 497/498 passed
10.4.9 / macport gcc43 (4.3.5_2) 498/498 passed
10.6.7 / macports gcc45 (4.5.2_0) / Amber openmpi 33/33 passed
10.5.9 / macports gcc45 (4.5.2_0) / Amber openmpi 32/33 passed
10.4.9 / macports gcc43 (4.3.5_2) / Amber openmpi 33/33 passed
there seems to be something diffferent in my leopard box. The test in
question is mmpbsa_py/06_NAB_Nmode .
Mengjuei Hsieh, Molecular Bio & Biochem, University of California Irvine
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Received on Sat Apr 23 2011 - 14:00:04 PDT