[AMBER-Developers] Bound copies of the 1.5 Users' Manual are now available

From: case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 21:55:09 -0400

You can get bound copies of the latest update to the Users' Manual here:


These are perfect bound, since we exceeded the number of pages for a spiral

I understand that people have different views on this, but I think newer users
often benefit from being able to browse through a physical book. So, consider
buying a few copies for your research groups.

My next hope is to assemble an "Exploring Molecular Biology with Amber" book,
with background and annotated tutorials. Again, I think there is value in
having this as a real book. Volunteers or comments are welcome.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 22 2011 - 19:00:05 PDT
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