On Sun, Sep 27, 2009, Volodymyr Babin wrote:
> please find a patch (against CVS) that replaces std::valarray
> by the boost::numeric::ublas::vector attached (the latter one
> gets resized on assignment so that there is no point to make
> the numvec a subclass of it, so that it is a mere typedef);
> there is no analogue of the std::slice (or I was too lazy),
> and hence some ugliness, but not much (IMHO); on my machine
> it fails only the same tests that the original gleap (using
> non-public valarray apis) does [see log attached]; shall I
> commit this?
This breaks my build on MacOSX, gcc 4.4.0. So it seems safest to not commit
at this point.
Log file is attached, for "cd amber11/src/gleap; make clean; make install".
Looks like a problem with a macro expansion, but I did not explore further.
You should probably send suggested changes to Wei Zhang (zgjzweig.gmail.com).
I don't think he follows the amber developers mail; but don't be surprised
if you don't get any answer. Wei seems to go "off-line" for months at a time.
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Received on Sun Sep 27 2009 - 12:30:02 PDT