> The best way to fix this is to rewrite our code to avoid the
> _Expr constructor use caused by libstdc++.
please find a patch (against CVS) that replaces std::valarray
by the boost::numeric::ublas::vector attached (the latter one
gets resized on assignment so that there is no point to make
the numvec a subclass of it, so that it is a mere typedef);
there is no analogue of the std::slice (or I was too lazy),
and hence some ugliness, but not much (IMHO); on my machine
it fails only the same tests that the original gleap (using
non-public valarray apis) does [see log attached]; shall I
commit this?
Have a great day,
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sun Sep 27 2009 - 09:30:03 PDT