I'm brand new to this mailing list thing, so please bear with me if I fumble
around some. I checked out a new version of amber11 from the CVS tree today
(09/09/09) and I had a problem compiling ambertools at first. I found that
the problem arose due to line 27 of the Makefile_at file. It read
(cd sqm && $(MAKE) $(HASFC) )
Being that I had a fortran compiler (intel compilers on an ubuntu linux
system), HASFC=yes was in my config.h file. However, there is obviously no
make yes in the sqm makefile. Changing this line to
(cd sqm && $(MAKE) install )
allowed the ambertools compilation to complete.
If there's a different procedure I should follow for posting about these
types of things, please let me know.
Jason Swails
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 14 2009 - 13:39:05 PDT