Re: amber-developers: Fw: How many atoms?

From: Scott Brozell <>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:33:40 -0800 (PST)


On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, David A. Case wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007, Robert Duke wrote:
> > The problem, though, is it makes no sense to do any of this at all unless it
> > happens in pmemd / sander / the leaps / ptraj. Dave, if you would drive us
> > to consensus I would appreciate it ...
> My vote is to keep things as they are for Amber 10, and re-visit the million
> atom limit for Amber 11.

Oooppps, did I miss another election.
I know Im not in the electorial college, but for the popular vote
my ballot reads: do not featurize a product near the shipment date.

> Since I (may) have your attention, please try to get yourself a bugzilla
> account -- I'd like to do a better job of trying to make sure that problem
> reports don't get lost, and this is what we are trying now. Enchancement
> requests (such as for lots of atoms) can also go there, and get discussed.
> Scott: can you re-post the bugzilla instructions? thx. Also, can you see if
> there is a way to browse bug reports, rather than having to always do a
> search?

Yes, coming soon: same time, same channel

Received on Sun Dec 09 2007 - 06:07:16 PST
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