You would probably be better working with the Amber 9 manual - the final
version went to the printers last week. Also is there any reason why it
would be specifically aimed at firefox? From the httpd logs for the Amber
mailing list archive and tutorials pages only around 15% of visitors are
using the Firefox browser. Hence it should probably be more general. And
hosted off of the Main amber website so changes can be made as and when
errata are published.
All the best
|\oss Walker
| HPC Consultant and Staff Scientist |
| San Diego Supercomputer Center |
| Tel: +1 858 822 0854 | EMail:- |
| <> | PGP Key
available on request |
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be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues.
[] On Behalf Of Xuebin Qiao
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 06:45
Subject: amber-developers: Proposal: a firefox extension for amber8
html-based user manual
Dear All,
I plan to make a HTML-based amber8 user manual from the original
pdf-version. Currently, it is designed to be a standalone firefox
extension, and it will be integrated into a bigger project in the future.
I have finished the framework design and start to fill the detailed pages
one by one. It may take two months to complete the whole project.
Some nice screenshots are attached. Please feel free to make any comments.
If there is no explicit copyright conflict statements from the original
authors, I will release the firefox add-on version of user manual to
public domain.
Best regards
... there have been two really clean,
consistent models of programming so far:
the C model and the Lisp model.
These two seem points of high ground,
with swampy lowlands between them.
--Paul Graham
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:36 PDT