I agree--I am using gcc 6.4.0 or gcc 7.5.0 in my current work. Sticking to
NVIDIA's supported models would also keep us in line with the supported
hardware. We've dropped support for anything pre-Kepler, and perhaps even
Maxwell by this point. The C, FOrtran, and C++ compilers should follow
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 7:54 PM David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022, Dan Roe wrote:
> >
> >So my question is do we
> >want to fix this for the older fortran compilers (I vote yes since
> >4.8.5 still ships with some systems, though not clear for how much
> >longer), or are we dropping support for the older compilers (in which
> >case cmake/configure needs to trap)?
> I think we have to drop support for older compilers. gcc/gfortran 6 seems
> almost certainly to be required, for lots of things. FWIW, our CI no
> longer uses 4.8.x compilers, which is why these changes were able to be
> merged.
> I just think it's going to be increasing difficult to keep forcing
> ourselves
> to use old compilers. Note this statement from nvidia:
> "Note that starting with CUDA 11.0, the minimum recommended GCC compiler is
> at least GCC 6 due to C++11 requirements in CUDA libraries".
> In Gerald's list, Centos 7 is the only OS he tests that still has 4.8.5.
> The installation page for CentOS gives the yum commands to get a more
> modern compiler. We already require a bunch of "yum install" commands,
> so adding one more doesn't seem like that big a problem (to me...)
> Googling on "cmake minimum gnu version" shows how easy this is to implement
> there: cmake handles the hard part of even finding the GNU version --
> compare this to the 100+ lines of code in the old configure2 script to
> handle this task.
> I'm open to counter-arguments, but the nvidia limitation, plus the
> benefits of having at least compatibility with c++11/Fortran 2003 seem
> dispositive to me.
> ....dac
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