Re: [AMBER-Developers] What versions of CUDA toolkit and cards should we support?

From: Brent Krueger <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 07:57:28 -0400

Well, we still have quite a few GTX 780s in use that run great and are
valuable. However, I completely agree that I can just continue to use
AMBER20 on those systems. Our system is fully containerized now so I can
likely continue to run old versions for a long time.

I'm usually the one asking us to maintain support for old hardware, but
agree that the support matrix could get a lot narrower in the near future.


On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 9:19 PM David A Case <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 04, 2021, Scott Le Grand wrote:
> >CUDA 7.5 is a 2015 toolkit and SM 5.x and below
> >are deprecated now. SM 6 is a huge jump over SM 5 enabling true virtual
> >memory and I suggest deprecating support for SM 5 across the board. SM 7
> >and beyond alas mostly complicated warp programming and introduced tensor
> >cores which currently seem useless for straight MD, but perfect for
> running
> >AI models inline with MD.
> >
> >CUDA 8 is a 2017 toolkit. That's way too soon to deprecate IMO ...
> We currently (appear to) support CUDA versions 7.5 through 11.2, and SM 3.5
> through 8.0. (All CUDA versions are not compatible with all SM's, but
> allowed combinations are set by NVIDIA, not by us.)
> The argument for SM3 is that there are still K80's out there, although I
> think this must be less and less true. There certainly are GTX 980's still
> in use, and supporting SM5 would make sense if it doesn't cost anything.
> But I'm fine with dropping support for SM5 if it helps us with code
> development or maintenance. (If a future user really needs to run on older
> cards, they can stick with Amber20.)
> The CUDA experts should make the decisions here, not me.
> ...dac
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Brent P. Krueger  (he/him/his)   616 395 7629
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Hope College...............................Schaap Hall 2120
Department of Chemistry
Holland, MI     49423
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Received on Mon Apr 05 2021 - 05:00:02 PDT
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