Re: [AMBER-Developers] Planning for the 2021 Amber Developers' Meeting

From: Merz, Kenneth <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 18:21:40 +0000


On Nov 12, 2020, at 9:28 AM, David A Case <<>> wrote:

Hi everyone:

It's pretty clear that next Spring's Amber Developers' Meeting with be a
virtual one. I'm soliciting suggestions for how to make this as useful
as possible, and volunteers for helping with the organization.


1. Are there dates that are especially good or bad?

In the age of Zoom not really. I slightly prefer Fridays and Mondays though.

2. I personally favor shorter sessions (ca. 4 hours) over more dates,
as opposed to longer sessions on fewer dates, but am eager to hear what
others think about this.

Yes, 8 hours+ sitting on Zoom is terrible.

3. We may not want to have 30+ talks, given the limited attention
span one gets on Zoom or similar platforms. I'm thinking that most
people could upload slides in advance. We would ask everyone to preview
those, and most of the actual meeting time could be devoted to questions
and discussion.

Sounds like a good idea as long as folks find time to review the talks beforehand.

4. Please think hard about how we can increase gender and other
diversity in our development group. We should invite a few outside
folks to give invited talks, and suggestions for that are welcome.

How about Zoe Cournia (FEP studies), Giulia Palermo (MD of CRISPR), Kira Armacost (FEP at GSK), Sereina Rinniker (ETH - latest in GROMOS), etc.


5. Any other thoughts? I think we can just have a general discussion
on this mailing list. (Hit "delete" or create a spam filter if you
don't want the clutter in your in-box.) I'll summarize the discussion


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Received on Mon Nov 16 2020 - 10:30:02 PST
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