Re: [AMBER-Developers] Problems with cpptraj and fftw3 configure on MacOS

From: David A Case <>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 17:27:52 -0400

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018, Ken Merz wrote:
> Here is the log for the cpptraj issue
> ./configure2: line 3446: ./configure: No such file or directory
> I follow what I have done in the past: a git pull followed by ./configure gnu (with -nofftw3 now).
> AMBER17 went fine this way, but recently I have been having these issues
> with AMBER18.

If you want to use the development version, you need to learn about

and follow the instructions in "The simplest way to use amber.git".

In brief: you have to add "git submodule update --init" to your workflow
(since things like cpptraj and parmed are now in submodules.) As the
page above indicates, you may also need to associate your public key
with github.

Note that even if you did the above, you would be working from the master
(development) branch, not from the proposed release.

Of more immediate benefit would be to test RC3, by downloading the tar
files mentioned in an earlier (today) email. This path is testing what
would go to users, and doesn't involve any git or github operations.

[But learning how to access the development version will pay benefits in
the longer term.]

cc-ing to amber-developers, since others probably have not used git in a
while either.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Mar 24 2018 - 14:30:02 PDT
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