I had a brief look at your 1st review and saw lots of white-space trailing.
Have you fixed that in the 2nd (today's review) yet?
PS: nice reorg.
On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 6:00 PM, David Cerutti <dscerutti.gmail.com> wrote:
> To all:
> I am nearly finished with my code review of pmemd.cuda. Comments have been
> added throughout with the goal of identifying every function's formal
> arguments, clarifying the beginning and end of various long blocks of code,
> and better documenting pre-processor directives with a long reach (i.e.
> this #endif ends what?).
> While I have tried to preserve Scott's convention of extending assignment
> statements to collect related variables into groups, a great deal of white
> space has been removed in the interest of adhering to a strict 96-character
> limit on each line. This will significantly increase the amount of code
> that can fit on the screen at one time, and permit two or more terminal
> windows to display separate libraries side by side for easy
> cross-referencing. Spacing has also been added or removed to emphasize the
> binding order of operations (I have a pretty detailed method, but please
> don't feel that it is required for future commits). Additionally, I have
> made an effort to decouple braces from pre-processor directives and provide
> indentation for the pre-processor directives themselves to help developers
> more easily gain a sense of where their code sits in very involved sections
> like the non-bonded inner loops in kNLCPNE.h.
> IF YOU HAVE OUTSTANDING EDITS and need to commit them, I have made no
> functional changes to the code quite yet--I wanted to get the review done
> before I start making other changes. Please send me a mail directly if you
> need to merge your items--it is straightforward to go back to the last
> commit from two weeks ago and see the code as it was beforehand to make a
> diff, but with the review nearly done I will help work out the best way to
> do the merge.
> Cheers,
> Dave
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Received on Mon Apr 17 2017 - 15:30:03 PDT