[AMBER-Developers] New website

From: David Cerutti <dscerutti.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 14:17:56 -0400

Dear Amber,

It's time to get the website I unveiled at the meeting into working order.
While it is perfectly reasonable to continue editing the existing website,
I do not want the new one to get too far out of step as we do intend to
switch over to that format. The first steps that have been discussed are
the following:

1.) If information on the current website is important to you, log on to
the current world-viewable mockup at


and check to see that your materials are properly displayed. It may be
that your materials are merely linked by the top-level pages and you end up
right back at the current website, and this is fine: the new format will
take some time to filter down to every last nook of the website, and there
will always be offsite components. However, a lot has changed, so please
tell me in the next couple of weeks if there appears to be anything out of
place. In particular, if you have committed new tutorials or citations,
check the appropriate links on the navigation bars.

2.) We will create a test server over at Utah, where we would like to move
the official website. With the test server up and running, I can do away
with the "~cerutti/" that I've got in about 30 places in the source code
and ensure that all of the base directories are properly set up. This will
create a new, world-viewable site which we can all edit and work out any
final issues. I will conduct a thorough review of the current site and any
recent changes that need to be ported over.

3.) Within a few weeks on the release of AmberTools 17, I'd like to launch
the new website. There is no need to have them coincide, and indeed it is
better to stagger them so that people can deal with each deadline.
However, this is an appropriate time to release new content and I would
like to get this out of the way before I get caught up in my new position.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 06 2017 - 11:30:02 PDT
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