Minor note: change .html to .php will void any links related to amber that
sent in mailing list before.
On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 2:18 PM David Cerutti <dscerutti.gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Amber,
> It's time to get the website I unveiled at the meeting into working order.
> While it is perfectly reasonable to continue editing the existing website,
> I do not want the new one to get too far out of step as we do intend to
> switch over to that format. The first steps that have been discussed are
> the following:
> 1.) If information on the current website is important to you, log on to
> the current world-viewable mockup at
> http://casegroup.rutgers.edu/~cerutti/amber_web/index.php
> and check to see that your materials are properly displayed. It may be
> that your materials are merely linked by the top-level pages and you end up
> right back at the current website, and this is fine: the new format will
> take some time to filter down to every last nook of the website, and there
> will always be offsite components. However, a lot has changed, so please
> tell me in the next couple of weeks if there appears to be anything out of
> place. In particular, if you have committed new tutorials or citations,
> check the appropriate links on the navigation bars.
> 2.) We will create a test server over at Utah, where we would like to move
> the official website. With the test server up and running, I can do away
> with the "~cerutti/" that I've got in about 30 places in the source code
> and ensure that all of the base directories are properly set up. This will
> create a new, world-viewable site which we can all edit and work out any
> final issues. I will conduct a thorough review of the current site and any
> recent changes that need to be ported over.
> 3.) Within a few weeks on the release of AmberTools 17, I'd like to launch
> the new website. There is no need to have them coincide, and indeed it is
> better to stagger them so that people can deal with each deadline.
> However, this is an appropriate time to release new content and I would
> like to get this out of the way before I get caught up in my new position.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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Received on Tue Apr 11 2017 - 09:00:02 PDT