Hi all,
Greetings from New Zealand – I hope that you’re all doing well and starting to gear up for summer!
One of the universities here in New Zealand (the University of Canterbury) would like to upgrade their Amber subscription. It seems to me that Amber 16 ought to be imminent, but there’s nothing about it on the web site and the most recent reference to a release I can see is from Scott Brozell on 10 March (
http://dev-archive.ambermd.org/201603/0066.html) where he refers to Amber 17. However, Dave talks about an Amber 16 release (
http://dev-archive.ambermd.org/201602/0144.html) with deadlines and so forth.
Is anyone able to let me into the loop as to when Amber 16 might be released for purchase?
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 14 2016 - 19:00:03 PDT