OK: The Feb. 15 deadline (aka the Feb. 25 deadline) has now passed. The
intense recent interest in getting things into good shape (as represented by
the large number of git commits) is very much appreciated. But we now need
space for serious testing and tweaking.
Please don't push new commits to master unless you have spoken with
Jason or me, or they represent true bugfixes. Even for these types
of updates, please email Jason (<jason.swails.gmail.com>) and me
(<david.case.rutgers.edu>) with a heads-up about what you are planning to
do before pushing to master.
You can try to address bugs in your particular area of expertise or
familiarity with the code. I'd recommend holding off on general or cosmetic
problems for a few days until we can stabilize the tree and start posting
good an bad points to the Amber wiki at
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Feb 27 2016 - 07:30:04 PST