On Fri, Feb 26, 2016, Brent Krueger wrote:
> Attached are stdout and stderr from running make install a second time
> right after the first failure. Let me know if it would be more informative
> to do a make clean and repeat from scratch.
I've seen similar things, that were always fixed by "make uninstall" followed
by ./configure and "make install". (Basically, the first step may be needed
to force re-building of fftw3; "make clean" is probably not enough.)
Re: the testing arguments we've been having: the test procedures check
out a fresh source tree and build from scratch. Updates that somehow
don't work as an incremental build don't get as much attention (at least
from me.) This probably means that some dependency is not being properly
checked. But finding out if if you can (or cannot) get a good build
following the steps above would be very useful information.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 26 2016 - 10:00:03 PST