[AMBER-Developers] gotcha with the current config/install procedure

From: Josh Berryman <the.real.josh.berryman.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 09:43:03 +0200


I was just setting up the current build on some teaching machines (free
alpha-testers, right?) and as usual, the xorg developer libs were missing,
so I followed the hint:

"On Ubuntu OS's install the xorg-dev package."

>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install xorg-dev

....all good, pulls in a whole load of stuff

....install amber, no problems now, missing bzip2 but that is not a big


and hangs, because there is suddenly no such thing as /usr/bin/X

While I would view this as a rather strange ubuntu bug rather than
something wrong with amber, because the fix is fairly simple perhaps we
should mention it in the configure2 message?

"On Ubuntu OS's install the xorg-dev and xorg-server packages."

I am sure enough that this is a good idea that I'm going to add it to the
configure2 script and commit.

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri May 16 2014 - 01:00:03 PDT
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