[AMBER-Developers] MIC and SSE

From: Brent Krueger <kruegerb.hope.edu>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:55:05 -0400

Oh -- and as a carryover from my recent post about xHost and SSE types...

I see in the configure script that xHost is not put into the config.h file
for MIC processors. Yet, if the user has defined $SSE_TYPES, then specific
SSE extensions are requested. Does anyone know whether this actually makes
sense? My suspicion is that if there is a MIC processor then it is not
appropriate to specify any SSE type. Is this correct?

Thanks again,

Brent P. Krueger.....................phone:   616 395 7629
Associate Professor................fax:       616 395 7118
Hope College..........................Schaap Hall 2120
Department of Chemistry
Holland, MI     49423
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu May 08 2014 - 08:00:05 PDT
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