[AMBER-Developers] Fwd: [GIT] git repository for AMBER: sander/rism: reordered linking for MKL and FFTW3 libraries

From: Daniel Roe <daniel.r.roe.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 14:56:29 -0700

Hi All,

Just a reminder to be cautious when you are committing files (via commit -a
etc). For example:

Summary of changes:
 AmberTools/src/configure2 | 10 +-
 AmberTools/src/netcdf-4.3.0/libsrc/ncx.c | 8 +-

You may not have intended to change a file in the 'netcdf-4.3.0' directory,
but it may have been changed if e.g. the NetCDF automake framework was
triggered for some reason. In most cases (including this one) the changes
are innocuous (this involved only a change in code comments), but it's best
to be safe. Usually I will do a 'git status' after I run configure to see
if any of the NetCDF stuff was changed, then 'git checkout' those files.

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 07 2014 - 14:00:06 PST
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