On Mon, Sep 03, 2012, Jason Swails wrote:
> For those of you that held back on generating bug fixes (and those that
> would have waited if you had one ;) ), thank you for your patience as we
> took about a week longer than expected to work out the issues. The large
> CUDA upgrade has been released (as per the announcements on the Amber
> mailing list), and we're once again ready for feature adjustments.
Just a clarification: most feature adjustments should go to the master branch,
for release at a future date. True bugfixes can go to amber12-with-patches,
as outlined here:
There are exceptions to this rule (e.g. autoimage, CUDA update), but they need
advance approval.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 03 2012 - 06:30:03 PDT