Re: [AMBER-Developers] wait to make any new bug fixes

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 09:04:23 -0400

Hello everyone,

For those of you that held back on generating bug fixes (and those that
would have waited if you had one ;) ), thank you for your patience as we
took about a week longer than expected to work out the issues. The large
CUDA upgrade has been released (as per the announcements on the Amber
mailing list), and we're once again ready for feature adjustments.


On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Jason Swails <>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We (CUDA folks and I) are currently in the process of generating a large
> patch file for the CUDA upgrade to Amber 12, which is proving to be a
> fairly significant undertaking.
> I'm hoping that everything will be finished early next week (Monday or
> Tuesday at the latest), but until then it would be very helpful if people
> could restrain from making any new bug fixes or changes to the
> amber12-with-patches branch until that time.
> Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience,
> Jason
> --
> Jason M. Swails
> Quantum Theory Project,
> University of Florida
> Ph.D. Candidate
> 352-392-4032

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 03 2012 - 06:30:02 PDT
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