On 02/08/2012 12:09 PM, David A. Case wrote:
> On a Mac, with gcc 4.5.0, I'm failing to compile rism because the
> configure script for fftw3 (I think) is failing to make the fftw3.f03
> file. The config.log file says at the end that the script exited with a
> exit code of zero. Various errors show up in the log, but it looks like they
> are "expected" ones.
> So: does anyone see this problem. Does anyone (e.g. Tyler) understand how
> or when this file is supposed to be created? Any one else ever seen (and
> solved) this problem?
I haven't seen this problem but it maybe related what Andy is seeing.
fftw3.f03 should be made at compile time, not configure time. FFTW3
should be one of the first libraries build when you run make and
fftw3.f03 (and fftw3-mpi.f03 for MPI) should be installed at that time.
What happens if you go into the fftw-3.3 directory and run 'make install'?
One recent change I made was to remove the .PHONY FFTW3 target and use
the library name as the target. If the fftw3.f03 file was deleted, but
not the library (though I don't know how this would happen), the
fftw3.f03 would not be rebuilt.
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Received on Wed Feb 08 2012 - 10:00:02 PST