On my Mac (OS X 10.7.3 Lion), GCC 4.4.6, I get no errors with the following
cd $AMBERHOME && git clean -f -x -d
./configure --with-python /usr/bin/python --with-netcdf /opt/local
-macAccelerate gnu
make -j4 install
./configure --with-python /usr/bin/python --with-netcdf /opt/local
-macAccelerate -mpi gnu
make -j4 install
On my Ubuntu machines (ifort and gcc4.6), I get no errors with the above
workflow either adjusted for my new location of NetCDF, and removing
-macAccelerate and --with-python (on a fresh, clean checkout using "git
clean -f -x -d" in $AMBERHOME). I may try GCC 4.5.3 on my Mac when I get a
chance, but I don't see these errors...
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:41 PM, tluchko <tluchko.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> On 02/08/2012 12:09 PM, David A. Case wrote:
> > On a Mac, with gcc 4.5.0, I'm failing to compile rism because the
> > configure script for fftw3 (I think) is failing to make the fftw3.f03
> > file. The config.log file says at the end that the script exited with a
> > exit code of zero. Various errors show up in the log, but it looks like
> they
> > are "expected" ones.
> >
> > So: does anyone see this problem. Does anyone (e.g. Tyler) understand
> how
> > or when this file is supposed to be created? Any one else ever seen (and
> > solved) this problem?
> >
> I haven't seen this problem but it maybe related what Andy is seeing.
> fftw3.f03 should be made at compile time, not configure time. FFTW3
> should be one of the first libraries build when you run make and
> fftw3.f03 (and fftw3-mpi.f03 for MPI) should be installed at that time.
> What happens if you go into the fftw-3.3 directory and run 'make install'?
> One recent change I made was to remove the .PHONY FFTW3 target and use
> the library name as the target. If the fftw3.f03 file was deleted, but
> not the library (though I don't know how this would happen), the
> fftw3.f03 would not be rebuilt.
> Tyler
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Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 08 2012 - 11:00:03 PST