Re: [AMBER-Developers] Amber on Live-CD?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:03:41 +0100


I have been through this with Desmond workshops. We tested both
Live-CD and bootable USB, but could not get either to work reliably.
We ended up creating an Amazon cloud image with full installation,
data files, etc. Every time I have a workshop, all I need from the
participants is a laptop or desktop computer with decent internet
access and they work interactively on Amazon instances through VNC
that I create from the image for the duration of the workshop. It is
read-only in the sense that they cannot copy anything from the image,
but they can run actual jobs on the running instance. Ever since we
have this setup I love it and the participants also like it very much.
  There is an associated cost involved, though, using a 2-core fairly
fast machine it is about $0.30 an hour, and an 8-core super fast node
is about $1.30 an hour. In case you consider this solution I can tell
you more about it.


Quoting Gustavo Seabra <>:

> Hi�everybody,
> I am planning a class on molecular dynamics applications, and was
> thinking on having an Amber installation on a Linux Live-CD, so that
> it could be installed on the computers to be used by the student
> during the class, and making sure all students have exactly the same
> environment.
> Notice the students will not take the CDs home with them... It's just
> to easily prepare a computer on a lab for the class. A kind of a
> portable Amber Workshop, if you will.
> So, I was wondering:
> 1. Is there any legal / licencing issues I should be aware of?
> 2. Any ideas on what Linux distribution would be better suited for this CD?
> 3. Has anyone done anything like that before and would be willing to
> share the experience?
> Thanks a lot,
> Gustavo Seabra
> Professor Adjunto
> Departamento de Qu�mica Fundamental
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
> Fone: +55-81-2126-7417
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Received on Tue Nov 29 2011 - 12:30:02 PST
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