On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 09:58:45PM +0000, B. Lachele Foley wrote:
> I am working on adding to this page: http://ambermd.org/ubuntu.html
I thought that i had worked on that page, but
there are only 2 log entries and I didnt do either.
> The page says that earlier versions of amber needed bison or byacc. I got an install to go pretty well without any such (Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS -- Lucid Lynx outfitted to be an LTSP server).
> Does that give anyone reason for concern? The test results are below. Details upon request.
Probably not. grepping the Makefiles shows that a yacc is used.
But in configure there is
YACC= \$(BINDIR)/yacc
There are no useful comments in the logs on yacc.
Probably someone has updated the ubuntu page w/o verifying that the
previous content is still valid ?
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 27 2011 - 19:30:03 PDT