Re: [AMBER-Developers] recommended compilers for MacOSX

From: Thorsten M Woelfle <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 19:37:59 +0200

On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Mengjuei Hsieh wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 02:52:17PM +0200, Thorsten M Woelfle wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Lets assume somebody reads this and now he is curious
>> 1. what a ,, real " mac person is and
>> 2. what is the magic behind .bashrc/.cshrc and in case of mac OS X .profile,
>> which can be referred as ,,real" unix know how.
>> Here is what I wanted to read (not too serious):
>> Essential Mac OS X:
> [snipped]
>> Thorsten

> I thought I had ADD, then
> I realized, we all have ADD.

After throwing in some Ritalin, I agree that one has to draw a line where it gets too complicated and too detailed.
Right now chapter 1.2 in AmberTools.pdf is nice and short, I used it when I recompiled Ambertools after not looking at it
for half a year and it worked for me.
It has no platform dependent information, so people here should decide if they want to have it.
I mean e.g. for windows there are the informations on the home page (in the pmemd.exe case).
One could make it short, something like:
Chapter 1.2.1 Recommendations for mac users.
Please use macports preferred. Check AoM for latest information and a link to the installation instructions for macports.
Or even a footnote.

> Anyway, how about we write something on the manual with the material
> the AoM blog that people here can approve. By doing so, we (or just
> me) can write something detail in the manual and still bitch freely
> in a blog.
> Cheers,


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Received on Mon Apr 25 2011 - 11:00:04 PDT
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