On Thu, Apr 07, 2011, Thomas Cheatham III wrote:
> Hi Jason and DAC, in case you haven't seen this, I was trying to install
> the latest AT1.5 5apr11 tar and ran into an error on make install (after
> configure intel). I tried to clean, configure and make again with the
> same error appearing... Also saw the problem with gnu below on this
> machine and also on kraken.
Please post these messages to amber-developers.
> With configure gnu I get:
> /uufs/chpc.utah.edu/common/home/u0181375/tmp/amber11/lib/libfftw3.a(vrank3-transpose.o):
> In function `apply_toms513':
> vrank3-transpose.c:(.text+0xe47): undefined reference to
> `_intel_fast_memset'
Can you check the date of amber11/lib/libfftw3.a? It must be left over from
the intel compile. When you change compilers, you currently have to do a
"make uninstall" (not just a "make clean").
1. Can you see if "make uninstall" solves the problem?
2. We should either document this, or change the "make clean" target.
I rather favor the former: asking people to do a "make uninstall" before
changing compilers makes sense. Note that most people will actually go
to a different tree to test different compilers.
> On kraken.nics.utk.edu, configure pgi
> /nics/d/home/tec3/amber11/lib/libnab.a(fftwnd.o): In function
> `fftwnd_new_plan_array':
> fftwnd.c:(.text+0x187): undefined reference to `_intel_fast_memset'
Is this the same problem? Did you somehow have an intel compile of fftw that
preceeded your configuration with pgi? Again, please see if "make uninstall"
solves the problem.
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Received on Thu Apr 07 2011 - 10:00:03 PDT