> I've got some instructions on how to do this for git; I just need to
> implement them and test. I will get on to this.
Some unsolicited advice:
If you have (or plan to have) a large number of repos, then
it may be easier to have all repos email to an alias, e.g.,
within config:
mailinglist = ambergitmail.localhost.localdomain
where the alias is defined in /etc/aliases as
ambergitmail: user1.host1.com,
In this way, to add/delete an email from the list, you only have to
edit /etc/aliases and re-run "newlaliases" as root, and that
change instantly applies to all repos.
If you manually add emails to the git repos by setting the list in
mailinglist = "user1.host.com user2.host.com"
then you'd have to change it in every repo whenever you want to
make a change, obviously.
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Received on Fri May 21 2010 - 13:00:05 PDT