On Sat, Apr 24, 2010, Andreas Goetz wrote:
> The mpiexec from Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK is not able to resolve
> symbolic links. At present $AMBERHOME/exe is a symbolic link to
> $AMBERHOME/bin. Many (all?) test Run files have something like
> "../../exe/" as path to the executables. Therefore, tests for the native
> Windows version of parallel PMEMD cannot be run. A workaround is to
> rm exe
> mv bin exe
> ln -s exe bin
Can you put this information into the mswindows.html file at ambermd.org?
> The default behavior of the configure script should probably be changed
> such that it creates the exe directory and makes the bin directory a
> symbolic link to it.
I don't agree. The "correct" location in bin, and exe is an ancient (VAX)
corruption. Maybe for Amber 12 someone can remove all references to "exe".
In the meantime, there is the simple workaround above for those users who
will actually be running on Windows -- it will be interesting to see how
numerous they are....
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Apr 24 2010 - 05:30:02 PDT