[AMBER-Developers] Windows native executable, bin and exe directories, symbolic link

From: Andreas Goetz <agoetz.sdsc.edu>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 00:03:59 -0700

Hello everybody,

The mpiexec from Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK is not able to resolve symbolic links. At present $AMBERHOME/exe is a symbolic link to $AMBERHOME/bin. Many (all?) test Run files have something like "../../exe/" as path to the executables. Therefore, tests for the native Windows version of parallel PMEMD cannot be run. A workaround is to
  rm exe
  mv bin exe
  ln -s exe bin

The default behavior of the configure script should probably be changed such that it creates the exe directory and makes the bin directory a symbolic link to it.

All the best,

Dr. Andreas W. Goetz
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Tel  : +1-858-822-4771
Email: agoetz.sdsc.edu
Web  : www.awgoetz.de
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Apr 24 2010 - 00:30:02 PDT
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