New to this RC are 5 diffs in test_at_parallel for ptraj_comprehensive:
SRB: pgi 9.0-4; x86_64; glenn.osc.edu; RC 18apr10
possible FAILURE: check dist_end_to_end.list.dif
< 51.00 16.726488
< 52.00 16.099388
< 53.00 16.908603
< 54.00 17.451692
2010-04-18_17-42-21.diff is attached.
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 05:11:19AM -0400, David A. Case wrote:
> My current guess is that the Amber release will be delayed some...I am
> trapped in Munich, with no clear idea of when I will be able to return to
> the States.
> There were unfortunately a lot of glitches in the last release, because I
> let new tests be added, which was probably a mistake. There is a new RC:
> http://ambermd.org/downloads/AmberTools.18apr10.tar.bz2
> http://ambermd.org/downloads/Amber11.18apr10.tar.bz2
> If you didn't have problems with the 14apr10 RC, you don't necessarily need
> to test this one again...I appreciate the hard work people have put in, and
> don't want to add to your burdens.
> If you need to make final tweaks to the manuals, please create diffs against
> these files:
> http://ambermd.org.downloads/AmberDocs.18apr10.tar.bz2
typo correction:
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sun Apr 18 2010 - 17:00:03 PDT