On Fri, Apr 09, 2010, Ross Walker wrote:
> cpp -traditional -P -DBINTRAJ -DLIBPBSA pb_read.f > _pb_read.f
> pgf90 -c -fast -O3 -fastsse -Mfree -o pb_read.LIBPBSA.o _pb_read.f
> PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near : (_pb_read.f: 862)
Well, this clearly looks like cpp problem, not a compiler problem.
Your _pb_read.f file is the same as mine for the first 861 lines (which is
all I have), then has additional lines (862-2119) which should not be there,
and which would be illegal for any compiler.
Try setting "FPP = $(BINDIR)/ucpp -l -DBINTRAJ " at line 89 (or so) of your
config.h file.
As a wild guess, also try deleting line 1 of files.h in the pbsa directory.
Make sure "which cpp" is giving something reasonable, and poke around on
Ranger to see if there are other cpp's lying around.
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Received on Fri Apr 09 2010 - 10:30:05 PDT