On Fri, Apr 02, 2010, Kim F. Wong wrote:
> It may have to do with the default stacksize. On my laptop, I was
> seeing this problem and it goes away if I do "unlimit" before these
> tests. These tests read in ~3X more ab initio data than the other
> DG-EVB tests. Perhaps we can place a "unlimit" within the Run.evb in
> each of these tests. What do you suggest (both for the short-term &
> long-term)?
Just using "unlimit" isn't entirely portable, unfortunately. Mac (at least
OS 10.5.8) gives an error in /bin/csh with a bare "unlimit" command. We
probably(?) could use /bin/sh rather than /bin/csh for the scripts. At least,
Dan can see if this indeed solves the problem, then we can try to figure out
what to do.
Thanks to Kim for working on this.....Dan: should I commit Kim's patch?
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Received on Fri Apr 02 2010 - 06:30:02 PDT