On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 09:54:05PM -0700, Ross Walker wrote:
> > What platform are you building on ?
> RedHat EL 4U8, x86_64.
> Gnu works fine. Intel is currently broken at link stage.
Hmmm, this is probably not a CLINKs issue.
Have you characterized the differences between gnu and intel -
starting with the external names ?
> > And is all this cuda stuff in the latest release candidate ?
> Yes. Try:
> ./configure -cuda intel
I guess i wont be much help tonight (maybe tomw i'll download the
new cuda stuff):
/usr/local/cuda-2.3/cuda/bin/nvcc -use_fast_math -O3 -gencode arch=compute_13,code=sm_13 -gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20 -DCUDA -I/usr/local/cuda-2.3/cuda/include -c kForcesUpdate.cu
nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_20'
> > Here's my comment that we are too close to release for all this
> > activity...
> Fine. Release it broken, see if I care. I'll be sure to forward all the user
> comments to your cell phone's email to sms gateway. ;-)
I was thinking more along the lines of an extended real use testing
period before release. From my distant perspective it seems like
more activity than previous releases.
(Im still cell-less :) [And thanks i need a fresh reason to give my
wife next time this issue arises ;+0]
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Received on Mon Mar 29 2010 - 23:00:02 PDT