[AMBER-Developers] major snafu with AmberTools.lyx

From: case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 19:55:56 -0400

Hi everyone:

Just a note: please don't make any changes to AmberTools.lyx until you
hear more from me. The big ptraj revision that Tom put in (version 10.92)
was based on an outdated version (I haven't figured out which one yet).
Hence, it blew away a lot of things....

This means that update 10.93 by Mengjuei will have to be redone, and that
updates 10.94 to 10.96 by Tim were in vain. Once I get things sorted out
again, Tim can add back the really new material (on the new diis-related
stuff in sqm.) Then I'm hoping I can figure out what version Tom was working
from, and managed some kind of merge so that we don't lose all his edits.

This may take a while, since I am at ACS, still have to write my talk, and
have only slow internet connectivity.

Lessons to be learned (1): make sure you use CVS, and edit files in a CVS
working directory; (2) do a "cvs diff <file>" before committing changes;
that way Tom (and others) could have seen that 66000 lines had changed,
suggesting that something was amiss.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 23 2010 - 17:00:04 PDT
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