I am still willing to document the parallel tests, but as mentioned earlier I can't promise anything significant to anyone until the end of March, and documenting this aspect of the tests properly is looking non-trivial. I don't even require 0x$ for it and will endeavor to avoid overfull badness (hbox or vbox).
:-) Lachele
B. Lachele Foley, PhD '92,'02
Assistant Research Scientist
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, UGA
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Brozell
To: AMBER Developers Mailing List
Sent: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 02:57:48
Subject: [AMBER-Developers] writers of parallel tests
> Hi,
> Now is a good time to reiterate that features requiring x parallel
> processors should have tests for 1 through x numbers of processors.
> These tests serve several purposes, notably:
> validating that the feature fails gracefully,
> and documenting the parallel requirements of the feature.
> Writers going the extra mile could have these test cases emit terse
> messages reminding users of the feature to run tests with at least x
> parallel processors.
> thanks to everyone that contributed to the thread:
> Subject: RE: [AMBER-Developers] incompatible processor requirements in
> parallel tests
> Scott
> ps's
> 1980's
> "I believe that the final bug in TeX was discovered and removed on
> November 27, 1985. But if, somehow, an error still lurks in the code,
> I shall gladly pay a finder's fee of $20.48 to the first person who
> discovers it. (This is twice the previous amount, and I plan to double
> it again in a year; you see, I really am confident!) "
> Don Knuth
> 2010
> http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/~uno/abcde.html#texbk
> If you do succeed in finding a previously undiscovered bug in the
> programs for either TeX or METAFONT, I shall gladly reward you with
> 0x$80.00 ($327.68) at the Bank of San Serriffe. Corrections to errors
> in The TeXbook or The METAFONTbook are worth 0x$1.00 ($2.56),
> as in all my other books.
> The Bank of San Serriffe
> http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/~uno/news08.html
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Received on Fri Feb 19 2010 - 07:00:03 PST